Handsaeme Machinery - Rolling of technical fabrics

Handsaeme Machinery Rolling

A next step in the processing of technical textiles and fabrics is to roll them (back) up. Our expertise and experience from rolling carpets is also used here to make state-of-the art rolling installations for textiles.  The ultimate goal is a perfect roll of material. So also here edge steering is an important element on all our rolling machines to avoid telescoping. Rollers with a pressure roll are used to obtain a hard end roll.

Most installations are part of larger processing line, but they can also be delivered as stand alone machines, for instance to wind the trimmed edges.

In order to preserve the quality and strength of the roll hotmelt or some band is used to close the roll so it can be further processed.


  • Straight rolling, without telescoping by means of side steering
  • Roll up with or without cardboard tube
  • Stand alone roller or integrated in total production line